For us, that's usually the bedroom, and we had already established that, pink hearts aside, our room needed very little doing to it to make it livable.
One thing we differed on was the orange pine wardrobes with celtic decorations stuck on them. Seumas liked them as they were. I ....didn't.
An impasse seemed unavoidable, but then Seumas made the error of disappearing on holiday with my brother for a week, and I seized the initiative and a paintbrush.
I wasn't entirely sure how to tackle this, but the easiest advice I found online appeared to be to lightly sand the original varnish, then paint with a wood paint of your preferred brand and finish. I used B and Q's white eggshell, which needed about 3 coats to fully cover the orange, and held brush marks quite strongly, so I finished it off with the roller.
This nook is probably my favourite bit of the room. I love the slope of the chimney, and the way someone has built into that awkward space to make it usable as a wee dressing table.